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In the formulation of international rules issued a "Sheng Hong sound" to achieve the domestic chemical industry system to amend the international standard zero breakthrough
Who mastered the rule of the right to develop, who will have the right to say, to become the industry leader". With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, technical standards have become an important means of international economic and technological competition. Recently, Jiangsu Shenghong Technology Co., Ltd. led the development of the international standard project -- the textile and chemical fiber filament boiling water contraction rate test method "promulgated, to become the first international standards of chemical fiber industry in China, the revision of the international standard breakthrough dominated by domestic chemical fiber enterprises.
Standard Test Method for boiling water shrinkage of chemical fibre deformed and non deformed filaments (made of polyester, polyamide, polypropylene, cellulose fibre, etc). Since September 2011, Sheng Hong technology applying for ISO standard project proposal and approved since, through the project, to discuss, modify, voting process, in the standard setting process, Cheng Hong fully adopted the views proposed by France and other foreign experts and modifications were made, finally in the first half of this year, the international standard officially published, become the domestic chemical fiber industry the first international standard.
This standard in the formulation process give full consideration to the actual situation of China's chemical fiber industry, the adoption of the technical indicators in the domestic market for, use a more domestic technology, which can more effectively the better promote the domestic chemical fiber enterprises into the international market, reduce the trade dispute, is conducive to the domestic chemical fiber enterprises more efficient conduct of international trade. The standard release, to the domestic chemical fiber detecting instrument manufacturing enterprise provides a good opportunity, according to the standard, the domestic enterprises can design and development of a new complete sets of equipment, to replace the expensive imported equipment. According to incomplete statistics, only full automatic contraction rate testing instrument and supporting the boiling water furnace per year, more than 1000 sets, nearly 100 million yuan output value of the market available to domestic enterprises, so as to further enhance the market competitiveness of the detection instrument.
The "first-class enterprise standards, second-class enterprises to do the brand, development of the concept of three flow of enterprise products. In Jiangsu Sheng Hong Polytron Technologies Inc, led by the demonstration, the working group of existing research projects in 3, 8 registered Chinese experts, a strong increase in the domestic chemical fiber enterprises to participate in ISO activities of the initiative. Chinese enterprises in the formulation of international standards in the process of actively participate in, actively participate in ISO standard setting, will enable domestic enterprises realize from the original standard "followers" to standard "leader" of the magnificent transformation, the commanding height of the development of industry.
